Saturday, January 25, 2020
Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Heart
Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Heart The heart is a muscular pump, cone shaped, hollow organ that lies in the chest cavity, the apex inclining towards the left cavity. It is divided into four areas, the upper right and left atria and the lower right and left ventricles. A muscular wall called the septum down the centre separates oxygenated from deoxygenated blood. The hearts purpose is to circulate blood throughout the body. The wall of the heart has three layers the Inner layer (endocardium). The middle layer (myocardium). The outer layer (pericardium). The action on the left side is to receive blood from the lungs and to force it around the body. The action on the right side forces blood into the lungs to be oxygenated. Valves are found between the atria on upper part and ventricles on lower part. Cardiac Cycle There are three stages to the event of a heartbeat. Blood enters the heart, the atria and ventricles are both relaxed or DIASTOLE. Blood enters the atria while all the valves are closed. Blood is pumped from the upper atria to the lower ventricles. Electrical impulses from the pacemaker cause the atria to contract ATRIAL SYSTOLE. Blood is pumped to the ventricles. The tricuspid and bicuspid valves open. The vena cava and pulmonary veins close to stop blood entering the atria. Blood leaves the heart and the atria relax. Impulses from the av node cause the ventricles to contract. This is called ventricular systole. Blood id forced out of the heart into the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Pressure forces the semilunar valves to open. Pressure closes the tricuspid and bicuspid valves. Ventricles relax again. Semilunar valves close which prevents blood from flowing back into the heart or ventricles. The vena cava and pulmonary veins open and the cycle starts again. Blood pressure Blood pressure is the power exerted by the blood against the blood vessels walls , and and the arteries, while it becomes lower in the veins and capillaries. Blood pressure is read with a sphygomomanometre. SYSTOLIC: Heart is contracting blood pressure reaches its highest point. DIASTOLIC: Pressure reaches its lowest level when the heart IS relaxing. High Blood Pressure or Hypertension. Causes Narrowing of the arteries, Kidney disease, smoking. Diet, hereditary factors including stress and medication. High blood pressure is maintained at a high level over a period of time. Symptoms Heart attack, Stroke, Kidney complaints, Angina. Low Blood Pressure or Hypotension. Causes Low blood pressure is maintained over a period of time. It can be shock or an underactive Adrenal glands, or hereditary factors. Symptoms Fainting and dizziness. CARDIAC OUTPUT Volume of blood pumped out of the heart. When cardiac output increases blood pressure increases. RESISTANCE OFFERED BY ARTERIOLES (small arteries). Narrowing of blood vessels can result from contraction of the muscular wall of the vessels. The greater the narrowing the higher the blood pressure. TOTAL BLOOD VOLUME Blood pressure is lowered if the amount of circulating blood is reduced VISCOSITY OF BLOOD The lower the viscosity the lower the blood pressure. ELASTICITY OF ARTERY WALLS When arteries harden there is a loss of elasticity and blood pressure is raised. Structure of Arteries Veins and Capillaries Characteristics of capillaries Characteristics of veins Characteristics of arteries Distribute oxygen nutrients to all cells of body Veins transport blood to Heart Arteries transport blood from the heart Transport Carbon Dioxide other waste away from cells. Transport deoxygenated blood except pulmonary Arteries transport oxygenated blood except the pulmonary. Capillaries are smallest blood vessel. One cell thick, Veins carry a high concentration of urea waste, Arteries have an abundance of nutrients. Capillaries have thin walls. Not as muscular elastic compared to arteries. Elastic Walls. Muscular. The fluid, mostly water nutrients filters out of walls bathes body tissue. The Lumen, i.e. the passage is large. The Lumen i.e. the passage is small. Valves stop the blood flowing back. Pumped by skeletal muscles. Arteries are pumped by heart muscle tissue in the artery wall. Blood under low Pressure Blood under high pressure. Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary Stripped With Protein Bands. Non Stripped. Or Non-Striated. Is The Pump To Power The Heart Joined Onto The Bones. We Have No Control Over Them. Only Found In The Heart Consciously Control Found In The Digestive System, Respiratory System And The Genito Urinary System. Outer Fibres Are Striated Or Striped Numerous Nuclei Automatically Work. Only One Nucleus. Made Of Fibres That Form A Group Of Cells. One Nucleus Looks Like Skeletal Muscle. Largest Cells In The Body Spindle Shape With No Distinct Membrane. Sheath On Outer Muscle Regulate The Flow Of Blood In Arteries. Fibres Form Into Bundles And Go In The Same Direction. Moves Your Dinner Along Through Your Gastrointestinal Tract. Regulate The Flow Of Air Through The Lungs. Help Deliver Babies From The Uterus. How Muscles and Skeleton work together to create movement A muscle needs to pass over a joint to create movement. Muscles are connected to bones by tendon. Tendons pull on a bone when a muscle contracts and helps it move. Usually, muscles work in antagonistic pairs. In each pair there is a relaxing muscle and a controlling muscle Antagonistic muscles must contract and relax equally to ensure a non-jerky smooth movement. An example is the biceps muscle on top of the humerus. The arm is moved upwards. At the same time the triceps is relaxed. Body moves when the muscles contract and produce movement in the joints of the skeleton, Muscles stabilise the joints, Muscles maintain posture control. Muscles aid in temperature control e.g., shivering. Axial muscles Skeletal Muscles of the trunk or head e.g. trapezius muscle. Appendicular Muscles Skeletal muscles of the limbs e.g. biceps triceps. These two muscles contract and relax equally to ensure a smooth, non-jerky movement. Composition of bone Bones are living tissue. They contain Osteoblasts which are responsible for making the collagen rich substance osteoid, which is key in building bone. They compose of cells called Osteoclasts that maintain the bone structure. The cells travel around the the bone to areas in need of resorption. They compose of compact bone which accounts for 80% of the bodys bone mass. They compose of cancellous bone makes up 20% of the bodies bone mass. It has a honeycomb structure. STRUCTURE OF A LONG BONE External structure Long bones fornexamole the femur in the leg are enclosed in a membrane called the periosteum. This membrane contains blood vessels and nerves. The long shaft of a bine is called the epiphysis. Internal Structure Compact bone Spongy bone Medullary cavity Compact bone Is mostly found in the shaft or diaphysis of a bone. It is also found around the end or epiphysys of a bone. When under a microscope bones are full of holes. Haversian Canal: These are canals that run lengthways through compact bone. They contain blood capillaries, and nerves. Cancellous or Spongy bone: These bones are found at the end of long bones and are found in flat and irregular bones. It is spongy. Medullary Cavity: The red and yellow bone marrow is stored here. Functions of the Skeleton Allows movement as joints are formed between the bones to allow the movement of the body. Provides attachment for the muscles which move the joints thus moving the body. Supports the body and gives it shape as all the other parts of the body are soft and cannot stand up. It protects the delicate organs e.g. Skull as it protects the brain, the rib cage. The sternum protect the Heart and lungs. With the aid of vitamin K calcium salt and phosphorus is stored in your body. Different Types of Joints FREELY MOVEABLE SYNOVIAL JOINTS Shoulder joint is called a ball and socket joint. It is the most moveable joint. It allows movement in many directions. The rounded head of one bone fits into a socket or cavity in another bone. Immoveable or fixed fibrous joints Innominate or pelvic girdle bone has no movement. There is fibrous tissue between the ends of the bones. Slightly moveable joints cartilaginous When two bones come together with a little cartilage in between. Some examples would be the joints between all of the vertebrae in the spine. These bones are around the discs, which are made of cartilage. Freely Moveable Synovial Joints Immoveable or Fixed Fibrous Joints Slightly Moveable Cartilaginous Joints Ball Socket Joint Pelvic Girdle or Innominate Bone Joints Between Each Vertebrae in The Spine Hinge Joint Sutures in Skull Symphysis Pubis in The Pelvis. Gliding Joint Sacroiliac Joint in The Pelvis Pivot Joint Saddle Joint Body Movement of How the Skeletal and Muscular System Connect In the skeletal muscles, a muscle needs to pass over a joint to create movement. Tendons connects muscles to bones. When the muscle contracts, the tendon pulls on the bone and causes it to move. Most of the time muscles work in antagonistic pairs. Each pair consists of a contracting muscle and a relaxing muscle. These two muscles must contract and relax equally to ensure a smooth, non-jerky movement. Therefore, the muscles contract and allow movement in the joints of the skeleton causing the body to move. The muscles stabilise the joints and ensure posture control. The axial muscles are the muscles of the trunk or head. Then the appendicular muscles are the skeletal muscles of the limbs, e.g. Biceps, triceps. Epidermis: Structure Consists of five layers on the upper portion of the skin. Cells in the bottom are living and carry on moving up through the layers until they die. Function To protect the skin. Dermis: Structure Lies beneath the epidermis. The papillary layer is wavy tissue. The waste upward projections are called dermal papillae. They contain blood and lymph capillaries and nerve endings. The reticular layer contains the main components of the skin. It is dense and fibrous. Function The papillary layer increase surface area of reproductive cells and provide living layers of epidermis with vessels which supply nourishment and remove cellular waste. The reticular layer protects and repairs injured tissue. Collagen gives it strength. Elastin allows the skin to stretch easily but quickly regain its shape. Subcutaneous layer: Structure Lies beneath the dermis has cells called lipocytes which produce lipids which are the fat cells from which subcutaneous tissue is formed. Function Cushions muscles, bones and internal organs against shocks and blows. Sudoriferous glands: Structure Found in the dermis. Eccrine glands Found all over the body, numerous on the palms of hands and the soles of the feet. They produce sweat through a sweat pore. Aprocrine glands are found in the armpits, nipples and anal and genital areas open into hair follicles and produce a thicker secretion. Function Eccrine glands help regulate body temperature by producing sweat which evaporates off the skins surface and cools it down when it is hot. Apocrine glands are under nervous control and respond to emotional, psychological and sexual stimuli. Hair follicles: Structure Found all over the body except the palms of hands and soles of the feet. It is a sac like structure which contain hairs. The base of the hair degenerates and rebuilds during the cycle of hair growth and replacement. It contains a dermal papilla which supplies blood to the base of the hair. The follicle opens at the skins surface at a follicular pore. Function Hair follicles produce and contain hairs during their life cycle. They provide nourishment for the hairs. Hairs: Structure Found in the follicle in the dermis. They do not grow on lips, palms of hands, or soles of feet. The hair above the skin is called the shaft. The portion lying in the follicle is called the root. The enlarged base of the root surrounding the papilla is called the bulb. Hair is made of protein keratin. Function Hair protects against friction and damage from external environment. Hair is a sexual characteristic. Sebaceous glands: Structure Found in the dermis and produce sebum which pass through a duct and up the hair follicle and through the skin through a follicular pore. Function Sebum lubricates the skin and hair and combines with sweat to form the protective acid mantle of the skin. It also retains natural moisture in the skin and provides insulation. Blood Vessels: structure Arteries carry oxygenated blood. Blood is pumped all around the body in arteries. Veins carry deoxygenated blood. Their walls have valves which stops blood from flowing backwards. Capillaries are fine vessels and made of a single layer of cells. Some materials can pass in and out through the thin walls of the capillaries. Function Arteries carry oxygen and nutrients to the skin via capillaries. Veins remove waste products. The surface capillaries help to regulate body temperature. Vessels dilate and heat is lost through the skin. When the body is cold, the vessels contract and heat is retained. Nerves: structure Found in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Sympathetic nerves supply blood vessels, sweat glands and the arrector pili muscle. Nerves respond to heat, cold, pain, pressure and touch. Function Nerve stimulation causes a reaction which triggers an appropriate response from the body. SECTION D Examples of Viral Bacterial, Fungal Skin Diseases: Viral skin disease Bacterial skin disease Fungal skin disease Chickenpox Cellulitis Athletes Foot. Tinea Pedis Mumps Impetigo Ringworm Hepatitis B Virus Folliculitis Jock Itch German Measles / Rubella Furuncle Fungal Nail Infection Onychomycosis Relationship Between Skin The Nervous System Sensory nerve endings are situated in the skin and give us the sensation of touch. The nerve endings or receptors are specially shaped and positioned to respond to a range of different stimuli. We can distinguish heat, cold, and pain, as well as differences between light and deep pressure. Motor nerve endings supply the muscles that make facial expressions and move the eyes, neck, and lower jaw. Made up of white or grey nerve fibres which end in sensory nerve endings. Nerve stimulation causes a reaction which sets off an appropriate response from the body. The skin also is important in helping to switch your body temperature. If you are too hot or too cold, messages are sent from the brain to the skin. The skin uses 3 methods to increase or decrease heat loss from the bodys surface these are hairs on the skin trap heat if when standing up, and less if they are lying flat; glands under the skin secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin in order to increase heat loss by evaporation if the body is too hot; capillaries near the surface can open when your body needs to cool off and close when you need to conserve heat. Relationship Between the Skin and The Circulatory System. The circulatory system through the help of arteries, veins and small capillaries transport blood, nutrients and oxygen to the skin. This is done by the help of the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation. Arteries carry a lot of nutrients via the circulation system to the skin. Veins carry a lot of waste products like urea to the skin. The skin protects the body living tissues and the organs. It protects against the invasion of infection It protects from dehydration. The circulatory system protects the body against changes in temperature. The skin has nerve endings called thermoreceptors which detect hot a and cold. These receptors interact with a cluster of nerves at the centre of the brain called the hypothalamus. If you become too hot or too cold, your brain sends nerve impulses to the skin, which has three ways to to decreases or to increase heat loss from the surface of the body. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Biology Plus Leaving Cert by Michael O Callaghan Edco. A Practical Guide to Beauty Therapy Level 2 By Janet Simms. Internet: Teachpe.Com Free Resource For Physical Education And Sports Coaching. N.p., 2017. Web. 26 Jan. 2017. Sciencedirect.Com | Science, Health And Medical Journals, Full Text Articles And Books.. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Jan. 2017. Innerbody.Com | Your Interactive Guide To Human Anatomy. Innerbody. N.p., 2017. Web. 30 Jan. 2017.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Sterling Marking Products Case Study
I recommend that Sterling should consider a fully owned subsidiary as an entry mode into the U. K. market. However, we need to ensure U. K. laws permits 100 percent ownership and understand tax incentives applicability. In addition, as an organization we would need to internally develop a strategic road map in terms of our approach to international markets. The objective of the roadmap is to provide Sterling with some guidance and a broad approach to how we conduct business on a global scale, considering recent interest in our product from firms in other countries and possibility of pursuing those opportunities.As an organization, this is much needed to prevent some of the issues we experienced domestically while establishing our branches in Toronto and Windsor, as well as our recent challenges in the U. S. market with Julius Blumberg Inc.My recommendation for a fully owned subsidiary in the U. K. is based on the following: In Europe, U. K. is the only European country where seals ar e legally required for corporations, and the most populous country in that region (exhibit 1), this continues to make U. K.à the most attractive market in Europe for sales, regardless of whether seals might no longer be required in the future. Also, establishing a presence in the U. K. will place Sterling in a position to easily penetrate other European market for future expansion. Based on a qualitative cost & benefit analysis (exhibit 2), a wholly owned subsidiary provides the most advantage to Sterling. Although this requires the most capital and management commitment, the benefits it offers offsets such costs including full profitability as opposed to a shared profit in case of a joint venture (exhibit 3).Also, in terms of the goals, strategy, resources and organizational structure of Sterling, a subsidiary best enables the firm to reach its objectives (exhibit 4). Options open to Sterling with a subsidiary is either to purchase a U. K. seal producer (Jordan) or build a branch as a Greenfield project. Buying out a local producer will allow a speedy market entry and access to local workers. This will also give Sterling access to current customers of the local seal producer. For this reasons, a ââ¬Å"buy-outââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ subsidiary will be preferred over building a new branch.The U.S. market is also one that is in need of a ââ¬Ëturn aroundââ¬â¢ in terms of sales and profitability. Once our seven-month contract with Julius Blumberg Inc. is completed, I will suggest we change our method of entry into the U. S. Market. Our trial with Bloomberg sales force shows that a direct sales approach dramatically increases sales in this market, therefore we should continue to export and invest in a sales and distribution team locally in the U. S. to drive sales. This will also allow us to penetrate the market faster and minimize any additional capital cost.In terms of interest shown in our product by other countries, I will suggest we research into sales oppor tunities in Japan for the reasons that Japan has a high population and number of lawyers compared to most of the other countries, geographically Japan also allows us to establish a hub in Asia so that we can establish a footprint in this region. However, deciding on a method of entry into this market will require gathering special information and understanding the Japan market. This research will need to be done prior to deciding a similar method of entry as was suggested for the U. K. market.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
FAU Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
Florida Atlantic University is a public university with an acceptance rate of 59%. The main campus is located in Boca Raton, Florida, and since opening in 1964, Florida Atlantic University has grown to six locations and over 30,000 students. Preprofessional programs, including Education and Business, are most popular among undergraduates. On the athletic front, the FAU Owls compete in the NCAA Division Ià Conference USA. Considering applying to FAU? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Florida Atlantic University had an acceptance rate of 59%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 59 students were admitted, making FAUs admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 17,120 Percent Admitted 59% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 31% SAT Scores and Requirements Florida Atlantic University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 74% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 550 630 Math 530 610 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of FAUs admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to FAU scored between 550 and 630, while 25% scored below 550 and 25% scored above 630. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 530 and 610, while 25% scored below 530 and 25% scored above 610. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1240 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at Florida Atlantic University. Requirements FAU does not require the SAT writing section. Note that Florida Atlantic University participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements Florida Atlantic University requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 27% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 21 26 Math 19 25 Composite 21 25 This admissions data tells us that most of FAUs admitted students fall within the top 42% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to FAU received a composite ACT score between 21 and 25, while 25% scored above 25 and 25% scored below 21. Requirements Florida Atlantic University does not require the ACT writing section. Unlike many universities, FAU superscores ACT results; your highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of FAUs incoming freshmen class was 3.99, and nearly 85% of admitted students had average GPAs of 3.5 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Florida Atlantic University have primarily A grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Florida Atlantic University Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Florida Atlantic University. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting inà with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Florida Atlantic University, which accepts over half of applicants, has a selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average ranges, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, FAU also considers the rigor of your high school courses, not grades alone. AP, IB, and Honors courses receive additional weight in the admissions process. Also, certain programs at FAU (Business, Nursing, Architecture, Engineering, and Music, among others) have additional admissions requirements. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that the majority of admitted students had high school averages of B- or higher, combined SAT scores of about 1000 or better (ERWM), and ACT composite scores of 20 or higher. Your chances of being admitted improve significantly with grades and test scores a little above these lower ranges. Admissions Information for Other Florida Colleges and Universities Embry-Riddleà |à Flaglerà |à Floridaà |à FIUà |à Florida Stateà |à Miamià |à New Collegeà |à UCF |à USFà |à U of Tampaà | All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Types Of E Commerce Software - 1162 Words
There are various types of e-commerce software available: hosted, licensed, and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The size of the e-commerce business is the best indicator of which e-commerce software type is the best fit. Hosted (where the software is hosted by the developer), is recommended for very small or small businesses, licensed (hosted by your own business server) is geared toward small to medium sized e-commerce shops, and ERP is intended for medium to large businesses. I turned to Jasmine A.ââ¬â¢s article ââ¬Å"A list of the Best Shopping Cart Software for E-Commerce Websitesâ⬠for details on each e-commerce software option. Based on Jasmineââ¬â¢s article, I learned immediately that we could eliminate the hosted solution from the mix as is not a small shop, and hosted solutions do not integrate well with other software. Additionally, the Godiva site requires customization of the shopping cartââ¬â¢s source code, which is not possible with the hosted option; and lastly, Godiva has more than five product types sold on the site. In considering the licensed option, although the business does have control over the software and are able to customize to a point, Rachel Andrew of Smashing reminds us that many open-source licensed options force the business to use their templates, additionally, they may force the business to turn-on JavaScript in order for the shopping cart to function properly. If the software does allow the business to update the script, whenShow MoreRelatedImpact Of E Commerce On Global Economy1352 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Impact of E-Commerce on Global Economy It is exciting area especially E-Commerce. The advancement in World Wide Web, computers and mobile wireless communication technologies are transforming the way business is conducted. 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